How do you let someone go? How do you understand that that’s alright, that everything changes? How do you find a way to make you feel good about life instead of breaking your heart? The hardest thing you’ll ever learn is how to say goodbye.
How do you let someone go? How do you understand that that’s alright, that everything changes? How do you find a way to make you feel good about life instead of breaking your heart? The hardest thing you’ll ever learn is how to say goodbye.
Every action changes our fate.
Everything around us, this day to day existence, stops us from being who we really are.
When I began I was a man of science. I believed there was no proof beyond what we can see and test and prove. I don’t believe that anymore. Now most nights I wake up in a cold sweat convinced some deeper truth may reveal itself in my dream, if only I can hang on…
Imagine two realities intertwined but at one time separate. Everything that’s possible happening simultaneously but happening in an illogical order.
Learning to see the puzzle in everything – they are everywhere. Once to you start looking it’s impossible to stop. It just so happens, people and all the deceits and delusions that inform everything they do tend to be the most fascinating puzzles of all – of course they don’t always appreciate be seen as…
I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” Max Planck, the originator of quantum theory